Monday, September 26, 2011

The muslim brotherhood are a disaster and need to be stopped!

Update:  It's a good thing at Atlas Shrugs!  Good job there Pam!

Only the uneducated on this brotherhood issue will be in trouble.  Unfortunately it is our electives and community organizers that are the uneducated about this ideology take over.  If you notice they shut the hearing off to the facts and call those of us as "Christy" calls "nut cases".  They seem to have more compassion for the islamics then the American Christians and for Israiel!  I mean Please who knows the war better then Israiel!  Just look to the countries that have been taken over by the brotherhood.  They seem to turn to the thugs for the guidance instead of the solution!  If you saw the UN happenings you will see that islamics do not want anything to do with peace!  If you go to collages with speakers you will see they don't let the guests speak.  It is so obvious that they don't want a dialog!  It's obvious that it is their way or the highway!  They don't want to coexist!  If they seem to be normal kind and so on think again because they all practice Tekkiya a deception that is by allah if you will to basically lie! 

So it is up to you to educate yourself and see that the information goes on to others.  We need to be empowered if we are to win this battle for the future generations to come. 

Watch the video and go to the website

A recent episode of “Stakelbeck on Terror” focuses on how the Muslim Brotherhood is exploiting the uprisings in the Middle East to strengthen itself worldwide. What this means for America is troubling indeed.

See what the “establishment media” isn’t telling you by
viewing this episode here.

Stakelbeck’s guests include John Guandolo, whose eye-opening video presentation “The Outlawed Brief” is part of our new resource entitled “Unmasking the Enemy Among Us: Information Warfare and the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Yeah this is not only going all over the web it is being shared!  Pisslam will have to answer to their crazy acts of takeover!  pisslam will be met with disappointment from people like me!  We are many with facts and what Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said is like a rat in a corner!  What else could he spew!  He as well as all that think like this, loser are failures and show man how crazy they really are!

Christy has no sense of insight so he can be easily led to tyranny!  So he is the one that is nuts! 

As for Mahmoud he isn't human!  Nither are the followers of this wacked culture! 

islamic muslims did hit the towers stupid!!!

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