Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Why You Should Be Eating Fake Meat!

Here's my crazy script idea

California Fleein' (Beach Boys Parody)

I'm Not A Hater I'm Also Not Gullible!

Name call all you want to you little losers!  You can't make me give up my freedom!  You also can't make me do anything I don't feel like doing!  

Just an FYI!  Just go work on your stupidity and stop enforcing your hate on everyone else!  You are not normal!  Actually, you are the control freaks on the left, from Satan!  You are soulless for your stance on killing human life.  You hate Gods creation and it shows!  You can't stand the fact men are the stronger sex, "unless of course he's a wimp, and can't compete with their own gender".  A woman carries the life of a human.   God meant for man and women to be together.  Obviously freaks like you can't seem to comprehend!  Y'all have issues with that!  Being a companion is a different kind of love.  You on the left want to pervert everything!  Just like Satan has instructed you to do!

You see the left can't stand that comment of mine!  That alone will make their little pee brains explode.  

Hey Jesus is King and you can't stop the REVOLUTION from him!  It's starting!  I did enjoy this Sunday!  THANK YOU LORD!  There is no other!  AMEN!  I am a sinner and he loves me so much he died for me!  

To think I used to despise gardening!  Slowly that all changed when I just made time for it.  That is what I was called to do.  Will I be feeding people?  I don't know?  I think he just wants me to enjoy something special from him.  "A relationship".

My island has been cleaned up a bit, now to feed the plants there.  I never thought I would have so much!  I can see the rocks again!  Soon the plants will fill in once again!  

The love is real!  I can't wait and God knows it!

Based Kid Torches Woke School Board!

They are trying to divide us JP.  Don't forget they don't want to hear from people that speak truth.  I could be your parent JP.  I'm that old!  Scary isn't it!  

I spoke the truth on what should happen to controlling little Hitlers!  That is why I was blocked for life by the commie mongrels on twitter!  We need more, like this young man in the video!  FIGHTING BACK!

Some kids are lucky they have good parents.  I never buckled down to peer pressure.  Just like I don't bow to no one now!  I have tried but it doesn't work!  I was brought up to be independent, with hard work, think for yourself strategies.  I learned life isn't fair.  It never will be with idiots trying to control you!  Also silencing you.  

Like I said before I stay away from stupid people!  They are bad for my "what I call normal lifestyle" and all around health!  

No loyalty for me then how can I have it for you!

Having God in your life is a good thing!  It's about damn time there are  more kids out there like this young man!  I don't take any crap from people either!  Never did and never will!  I'm keeping my freedom!  

I never went to the prom.  I worked for a living!  I took classes at night.  Some kids have it easier.  They blow all the parents money, get new cars, never had to work hard and got to go on spring break!  Blowing more of the parents money!  Those are the true assholes in life!  That is what I found out to be true!  

Monday, February 27, 2023

Interesting Weekend.

After seeing two fighter jets flying over this weekend, it was interesting how once again, "We The People" are kept in the dark.  Following right along with talking heads on line.  Will there be more of the same then?  More gaslighting?  Oh don't tell them!  Just keep them paying the government, with half their menial wages so we can pad our pockets, and start a war.  The peasants don't need to know anything!   

Then there are the brainless out there!  I swear, there are some people out there that would rub feces all over their faces, if the government said it was good for them!  They just blindly follow right along hook line and sinker!  

I did see something that was sent to me that put a smile on my face!  Soros is scared!  Really?  Why are people in the USA, even listening to this two bit commie kicked out of Hungary?  He needs to go to another place!  Another place like HELL!  The rest of these criminals not working for the people need to join him!  

I'm so sick of the spam mail, and the dumbasses spewing things stringing us all along!  Laws don't seem to apply to criminals!  Giving money to another country, while you see people here in America struggling, should tell you something!  No?  

You morons out there really voted for this asshat?  If it was Trump or his kids, doing what Hunter is doing... I could just hear what the stinking show I call "The Trash" Joy B... would be spewing out of her ugly mouth!  

As I sit here, the more I pull away from stupid people.  Glad that I deleted my facebook account!  It was a blessing to me that I was blocked for life on twitter, a week before our President Donald John Trump was!  That tells me that I'm not the only one!  We are the same sun sign, if you believe in that bullshit!  I believe in God!  Because frankly people have been a real turn off for me.  A real disappointment actually!  

Nobody cared about my ballot when I told people what happened to me in 2004!  All in commie Washington State!  You could say I was aware and no one else was!  For what reason?  To aggravate me further I'm sure!  I was never a gullible person.  When you don't believe in bullshit they stay the hell away from you.  Why?  Because, people like me are a threat!  I see that now!  Watch them pick apart what I say or write.  Because, I'm not a writer!  

I'm good at other things.  Shame me, and I will shame you right back!  You won't like it, and run away.  I'v done it at Truth Social.  The little rejects are there, just like they were at twitter and at facebook!  No different.  Sad thing is that all the big shots with their little checkmarks, they think they are so damn special.  If I stop liking you, you will know it!  Trust me!  Especially when you are too busy for a real honest friendship.  I'm done with you!  

Social media means people are just down right nosy and really don't give two shits for you as a person!  I saw that on fakebook too!  It's always all about them.  They think they are saving the world!  I have to laugh!  Whatever....  Meanwhile the corrupt commies are making fools out of you and everyone else.  Don't worry though, because God does see all.  He knows all, and his people will be acknowledged.   

I do love my gardening!   

Saturday, February 25, 2023


Time to get out and get some fresh air!  

This morning when we got up I immediately opened both sliding doors for that open concept Caribbean feel!  AHHHHHHH.....

The coopers hawks were flying and screaming in circles.  Must be mating season!  All the birds saw me and came closer.  As I unlocked the door to the carriage house, a gecko greeted me.  I love them!  I had one in my hand the other day.  I guess they know I won't hurt them.  They watch me garden.  As does the black snake!  Sorry mr. snake!  I took your cover away!  He needs to stay on my island!  Around the house I like it neat and tidy!

All the pine needles are packed away!  I'm finding all the things that are coming back from the season they call winter around here.   I'm going to have to feed things.  I have already started that process.  

My new crape Myrtle is 9 months old.  It's a Muskogee Crape Myrtle, thats supposed to give off pink flowers.   I didn't have that last season but I'm betting maybe this time.  It gets the sun in the day time.  As the days get longer it will have more sun to start it out.  That picture next to that stick in the ground, is the Cannes plant that my niece gave me.  She gave it to me around last year at this time.  I left it in the ground, stuck pine needles on it for the winter month we had.  Looks pretty!  God is good!

Friday, February 24, 2023

Joy Behar SHOCKS Audience, Says Ohio Residents "Deserve" Chemical Spill ...

Yeah Joy same to you bitch!  

On the White House South Lawn for Marine One's nighttime return and the ...

P6 only shows doesn't give his comments.  He loves helicopters.  I could say something though!  

The criminal in the White House and in our government is shameful!  

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Behind the Scenes of Tucker Carlson!

Oh, I loved this one JP!  Good job!

Yes It's Coming!

I for one can't wait!   From day one I was thinking they want to control and eliminate people!  The flue was real but their way was defiantly screwball!  I refused that poison of theirs!  

I was looking up what to take and found out!  Then I wanted to warn people, I get blocked all over the place!  I refused to mask up!  I knew it was stupid!  You have to change your mask often and I didn't see that!  Where were the bio hazard containers...  It just made more trash in the streets and in the store parking lots!  

I would walk in daring anyone to say something to me! Once that happened, I demanded them to accommodate me then!  I believe that is when curb side pick up happened.  

Gateway Pundit 

They Can't Answer

Because they don't have an answer!  Arrogant criminals in our government with their little commie mongrel minions!  

We need to hear why, it took them so long to help those people in Ohio!  Butt plug came only because Trump went there!  What a bunch of fake criminals in the government job,  NOT working for the people obviously!  

Trump is my President!

 In The Litter Box w/ Jewels & Catturd 57.7K followers

See the people's love when Donald John Trump showed up!

Remember that Trump gave up his paycheck when he was in office!  Now he gave the people in Ohio a nice donation to the people there!  Butt plug and the rest of the criminals were too busy with their life!  Oh, let's not forget the criminal in the White house went to Ukraine, because the Americans don't matter!  We don't matter to things like Pete Butt plug or the B man "criminal bidens!"

Trump loves the people and it shows!

She Has Satan In Her Dark Soul

If you watch her you will see what I'm talking about.... er, unless you are one of them!  I saw on her page she had all the symbols to go along with her satanic behavior.  Foreperson In Trump GA Grand Jury Shows Her Bias Against Trump  

The scary people are being crushed.  Keep that revival going!  Remember people like Foreperson, are the sick twisted people!  

Trump definitely will have my vote as always!  

This is America!  Thank you Donald John Trump!


Time to do more gardening!  The four banana bushes I have got fed.  The blooms are so fragrant!  I have them by the other side of our pool patio.  These will be blooming all summer.  I wish the Jasmin would do the same but they don't.  I remedied that, I planted four peaches and cream honeysuckle.  The same as I had in Kirkland.  Only had two there.  A much smaller yard.  I have two in my butterfly garden area here.  One in the corner of our white arbor and one planted on the other side from the yellow Jasmin by the pergola.  Right now that area smells wonderful sitting there!  

These are the blooms on the banana bush.  The flower petals are thick like plumeria flowers too!  I love this plant because it is also cold hardy to 20 degrees.  Also they stay green all year round.  I have had these plants over a year now, in large pots.   This was their second winter.  I didn't cover them.  They get the full sun.  Yes it got down to frost but then it shoot up in temperature during the day here in north  Florida.  

These are fruit trees.  I have two of them.  They were here but looked so sickly!  I fed them and the sprinkler system runs more now.   The prior owner comes and sees us.  He said he didn't water much.  He  only lived here two and a half years.  I think I gave him a shock, with all I have added already in just a little over a year now. 

They are doing very well now!  The one on the left is smaller but has more branches starting.  Interesting place, Florida is.  You do the gardening in the morning when it's cooler and use the pool in the afternoon.  I'm getting more exercise than I ever have!  We love it!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

This Polish Person Isn't Fooled!

Joe, Joe, Joe...  You're the most hated person in the world right now!  Except for the few dumb ones, still clapping like harp seals for you.    

When are you and your Soros crowd, going to learn!  People of God know all there is to.  We see evil by just looking at you.  Soulless empty shells!  I know, I can't be bothered with mongrels like you!  I have gardening to accomplish!  

God gives me all that I need, I certainly don't need things like you or your ilk Joe!  I have family in Poland, I'm happy to be an American that knows what evil looks like, they do too!  You didn't fool them joey!  They still remember when Hitler rode into town.  You are no different!

Message to Ron DeSantis: "Don't blow it!  Don't you dare run for president now!  Stay away from that kiss from Satan, if you want to keep your good standing with God!  That RINO "I'm not white" Nikki, has more votes then you do!  Because of the few feckless women movement dumbasses out there, however she won't win either.

...Meanwhile the gardening is going very well!  All the glory goes to God each and everyday!

Doing some clean up and feeding palm trees, some plants, pulling weeds.  In the more southern area of Florida, it is strawberry time!  Mine will be a bit later by a month.  The butterflies are starting to show up!  I believe we have families of blue birds checking out, the several houses we put up.  We added two more houses this year.  Even the birds are house hunting, to start a family!  Just like nature is supposed to do, with all Gods creatures great and small.  I'm just the caretaker!  Happy to do it!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Never Forget What Trash We Have In Government Right Now!

This revival going around the country right now will be our salvation.  It's going to happen and the wicked are now scared.  They are so scared, that they are turning their back on the people in Ohio, while sending aide to other corrupt countries?  The hell with Americans?  

The reason why they are finally sending some aide now after such a long time span, is because Trump said he was going to go to that little town in Ohio, being ignored by our corrupt, tyrannical government!  Now they want to send FEMA?  Why?  They should have been there from DAY ONE!

All I can do is pray.  Rebuke the evil but never ever forget what evil men did to God's people!  We need to keep on fighting with truth!  I know what they are doing, and it doesn't work with me and many others.  I know what they are doing.  Now they are afraid of people like myself.  They need to be afraid for their mortal soul.  We are definitely dealing with soulless mongrels.  

Again, give God all the glory.  Give him your attention and you will see his great works.  You will know things better than any news outlets  out there.  You will have peace.  Evil will always lose when you are surrounded by the holy spirit of God.  Satan we rebuke you!

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Fox News Hosts On Record Saying Trump's Election Claims Were "Total BS"

I feel this is crazy and Fox are criminals running with lies!  I stand with Trump!  Just in case you have a problem with that! 

PFFFFT on biden and all the other tyrannical criminals!

Federal Government REFUSES to Help Them

Yeah JP, now that President Trump is going there they are back paddling.  But yeah it's more important to send OUR money to a corrupt country like Ukraine!  The hell with the conservative Americans!  

Hey since they aren't working for me why am I still paying taxes!

Friday, February 17, 2023

The White House Press Gallery in 360 Virtual Reality

Look Over There!

The Revolution

Pay attention to this video.  I know because, I used to dance to this music back in the 80's!  Prince, Michael Jackson, ... so many talented people with sick twisted souls!  RIP!

There are all kinds of "stuff" in this video!  A doctor, KKK, a woman with the middle missing....  Yeah, it's interesting that he named this Mountains.   "I used to climb"  God made sure I survived for a reason!  

Theres only mountains and the sea.  There is nothing greater, than you and me?  Sounds Godless to me!  God does exist!  

Listen to what he is singing.  Because people like Nikki Haley are trying once again to divide.  You know she isn't white?  She ain't American to me at this point!  Just like the greatest organizer?  I call him the greatest divider!  That is Obama!  Pay attention out there!

Anyone want to tell me why is the commie marxist satan's minion, "Klaus Schwab" having any say at all to our American life?  You know also George Soros!  George Soros, was kicked out of Hungary for his bullshit!  Come on America!  Wake up!

Praying For Justice

 "LINK" The Brunson Brothers are back on today at the Supreme Court.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Homeless Camp near White House cleared and Biden delivers economic speec...

Pretty sad!  Such a disgrace and open boarders?  Then the lier in chief goes on with more lies!  Yeah sure joey!  

UFOs - What They Don't Want You to Know

Pete finally makes a statement

Being Self Sustaining

With Gods help of course!  I know my gift was to have a green thumb. But even I can kill something.  Paying attention to heat and water is the key to growing for me.  

I remember when living in Kirkland Washington leaving things in the greenhouse was not a good thing for the plants.  It would be over a 100 degrees in there!  I found them to be happier in the  ground.  Here in Florida the ground is sand.  You have to mix it with nutrients from other means.  I do mulch weeds and burn them.  Use the ash method.  

I had an old grandmother that showed me long ago.  They didn't have, what they have now back in the 1800's.  Cows do help!  Chickens do too.  Always invite birds into your garden!

One of my ideas and I see others doing it now too on line, are the plastic containers for starting seeds.  They work pretty well!  nothing fancy but hey it works don't fix it!  There is nothing better than going out and getting fresh herbs for cooking, strait from the yard!

The view from our carriage house, has improved!  We love it here!  I have my own work bench too!

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

We Know George Carlin Was Right

Yep, it's a club and you and I aren't in it!

Nikki Haley you ain't fooling me!  Honey!  These people are all evil, right down to Mitt Romney!  They seem to run on that same narrative the idiot in the White House now is doing!  They don't care about you!  They select and you don't have a say! 

Everyday we get more and more attacks!  "Look over there something shinny" bullshit!  At this point, I just shake my head at the fact people still support these idiots, selected into our government!  Yes they were all selected and trying like hell to shut the rest of us up!

If you are popular you get the f'n death threats and names.  They are so scared of conservative talk shows!  They hate that we have our own platforms.  They create more bullshit!  It's the new clown world from the corrupt commies placed into their positions!

Nothing but evil out there.  Soon as you can recognize that the sooner you take charge of your own life.  Only with God in your life.  He knows all!  Enjoy what Satan wants to destroy, don't give in!  What you have is from God not Satan, and he can't stand that fact!  Keep pissing off Satan!

Meanwhile God gives gifts everyday!  I'm happy to report the Canna is coming back!  My niece gave me this Canna last spring!  Pine needles may have helped?  I took the pine needles away and gave the plant food with adding more soil now.  I will be reporting on everything coming back.  The Strawberries even made it!  Of course it was colder in the Pacific North West.  I always had strawberries and blueberry's there.  The strawberry festival is this month in south Florida.  I guess it is later for us in the north Florida.

Enjoy your day and shut them all off!  Right now they are doing their best to destroy the good stuff in life.  Don't let them and pray for those effected.  

Look to Gods gifts!  Trust in him alone!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

We Are Simple Folk

What wonderful day and evening!  

The day started out with breakfast from my love.  Biscotti!

Then the prime rib with a side dish.

Desert outside to enjoy the evening.


A MAGA Valentines Celebration!  We will continue to enjoy our life!  Hope y'all do the same!  That's really what we are here for you know.  Work hard prosper and enjoy!  It's so simple yet the godless soulless commies can't stand you to enjoy it!  Middle finger to them!  


(Love Is) Thicker Than Water

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Watch AOC attack Elon Musk for not reinstating Mini AOC on Twitter

It's Wrong to Help People Now!

LOL So TRUE JP!  That is how they all are!  Liked this TRUTH TOO "LINK"

The Left Are Dumb

Oh I love Roseanne!  Yep that's exactly right!  Being nice to the rejects gets you nowhere!  I never was nice to them, and I don't intend on ever being nice to them!  They don't deserve it!  They deserve to be canceled from our lives frankly.   Just saying!  Godless soulless mongrels, every last one of them!

Thank you GATEWAY!  "LINK"

Friday, February 10, 2023

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

At The Trailer Park

Yeppers!  We had some adult beverages, took a dip in the pond and fired up the pit, to cook our latest kill...

Sometimes you have to be a smart ass, get your hands dirty, tell everyone to go play with themselves!  Otherwise, they will walk all over you, given the chance!

Yes, it was a beautiful sunset!  The water got to 81!  It sure felt good swimming, after putting my flower pots in shape!  Gotta keep the trailer park looking good y'all know!  

I believe spring is here!  What does that hog know anywho!

I guess people wasted their day on line today.  It takes me about two min or 30 depending.  I really can't sit there listening to everyone.  It's a waste of my precious time!  Especially, when I know what I need to know.  I will zip through a few, but do really love all the fun ones.  The ones with humor, mixed in truth.  I will share not that I listen or hang onto every word.  I can't do that.  I guess there are some that do though.  

Here are some pretty pictures for y'all and enjoy your evening!

They Can't Seem To Leave Conservatives Alone.

I was blocked on all the platforms like twitter for life.  I must admit after being blocked off of facebook several times I decided to remove all my personal pictures, just leaving the political stuff up.  Then I permanently deleted it.  Both of my accounts.  They hate my political views so that's why I left it there.  I was late in getting on Facebook, early to remove myself.

All the hateful people of the left said to us conservatives, to get our own platforms.  We did and now they are there too.  Such control freaks!  That is exactly what commies do.  They try to shame, ridicule and silence you.  Truth be told, that a child of God will never be silenced!

These people are probably the FBI coming on.  Or paid antifa/blm white supremos, because I know my conservative people of color aren't part of that stupid.  Facts matter but these fools try and divide and cause chaos.  Read the art of war.  The manipulation was with mandatory shots and masks.  They caused fear in people.  Anyone of us that didn't go along, tried to tell people what to take for the God given immune system.  That didn't go well.  They blocked you.  At this point I am calling them all murder's, with some others conspiracy to murder!     

Many are so easily gaslighted it's unbelievable!  They refuse to even see that the sky is blue at this point.  I won't go into all of it.  What is next is the food supply.  "Global warming" and all other crazy things.  It's in the bible what man will do.  I suggest you look into that well known book for the news.  If anyone is going to destroy this world it will be God.  After all he created it!  People are running around everyday without knowing him.  I'm to the point of sitting back and watching it all play out.  I'm unafraid.  Sometimes shaking my head.

I can't help to get nasty sometimes.  Don't worry God reals me back in and says D....?  Then other times it's... not very nice but by golly, I think you reached them!  God does have a sense of humor.  I know that because he created man.  Me of all people!  I got the there she goes again...  You see he does use people.  Like I said go read the bible.

I went off my reason for doing this, oh yeah they can't seem to leave us alone!  I happily commented on one of my favorite conservative persons post.  "Well known".  The research is clear and strait forward.  Out of no where comes these fools!  Am I back on Twitter?  Do they have these rejects working here now?  What?  

I know it's best to ignore and I do for the most part.  This was attacking "MY COMMENT".  If you agree heart and move on.  I don't need lecturing or your point of view.  You see, I already can think for myself.  Something others are having a hard time with.  Who do I listen to?  Well if you must know it's God!  I have even disagreed with Trump.  However I like him and see all the slings and arrows coming at him.  That alone tells me why.  He was well liked by the Holly weird people.  That's when I didn't care to watch him.  Now I don't watch any TV.  

Ok .... I digress yet again!  My comment was attacked.  I saw this this morning...  They are miserable, they hate seeing others free speech!

Here is the rest of my comment....  Yes that was supposed to say lala land it kept switching back!

This fool doesn't know what I went through back in commie Washington State in 2004!  I got hung up on told to check my mail tomorrow...  they said they sent 3 already...  Yeah!  I don't lie!  Ever since then I knew our country was in trouble!  Obama loved coming to Medina because I always got caught in his mess on the road!  I'm so grateful to be gone from there, however we need to keep an eye on DeSanctimonious now too!  Keep your eye on Jeb Bush and the other RINO's getting big $$$....  Yep!  We are playing follow the money just like after 9-11!  Once AGAIN!  


I Love President Trump!

I will be voting for you again for the 3rd time, Donald John Trump!  

Yeah, no.   I didn't watch sleepy Joe.  It would have made me ill.  What an embarrassment, to have such a bumbling idiot, running the country into the ground!  Then we have people out there, that are clapping like harp seals!

We need someone that will work for the people, not try and control them!  They need reminding over and over, that they work for US the American People!  

If DeSantis goes with the RINO's such as Jeb Bush, and the rest, his career will be over!  Maybe he will see this, or other places where he will be told, we won't be fooled again!


Thank You Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Brings the fire with the State of the Union rebuttal. 

Now this is a woman I would like to see run for President in the future!  God Bless you Sarah!


Monday, February 06, 2023

First It Attacked My Comment At A Conservatives Post


Then the poor uneducated soul, he tried to shame me about my grammar and spelling?  Honey it doesn't work!  Trust me!  I know already I'm no journalist!  THANK GOD!  I will not go away, just because you cry a bucket of tears, have tantrums and call me names.  Or try to shame me! 

 I'm having way too much fun!  

I relocated three plants today watered and these little rejects were still on!  All because of my comment at a conservative post mind you!  You can't tell me they aren't at Truth Social....  maybe they will learn something, but I doubt it!  Too DUMB!

What is it doing on a conservatives post if it upsets it so badly?

Saturday, February 04, 2023

Friday, February 03, 2023

As The Stomach Turns

Well AOC with a tantrum, finding this morning she even funneled to China.  Anyone surprised?  

I have a question.  Second amendment rights allow me to protect my property?  I want a high powered rocket launcher then!  Amazing how this hasn't been shot down yet!  The CCP spy balloon needs to be toasted!  Hey ELON!

Yes the jokes are starting to come out on TRUTH.  They are very truthful jokes though!  Right down to the AOC tantrums!

Thursday, February 02, 2023

Unwanted dinner guest

Bye Omar

The narrative is they hate the USA!  They only care about liberalism!  Otherwise they would have said something about the assassination of a GOP Councilwoman!  What about her?  Crickets in the background! 

 Thank you Jewels and Cat!  EXACTLY!