Thursday, October 06, 2011

Muslima arrested in Minnesota

Hassan and Ali: contempt for U.S. law

She doesn’t recognize the authority of American law, only Islamic law. So her intentions in the United States are subversive only?  Heh yeah well have fun in jail stupid!

Um isn’t that a hate crime against our Constitution of the USA!  How offensive of them to come here and dictate their laws to ours!  Maybe we need to give a book of laws to these imbeciles before they come into our country! 


Always On Watch said...

She doesn’t recognize the authority of American law, only Islamic law.

Simple solution: She should go live in an Islamic shithole.

dcat said...

They all came from the shithole, and one has to wonder why in the world do they want to make every place they go to a shithole. Only satan knows for sure!