Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Doll that says Islam is the shits!

Now that would be something! If a doll said that! Then have the baby mess its pants. Good form of birth control for later years.

Subliminal messages in toys? What next!

You really should pay close attention to conditioning messages. After all they have music in stores to help you buy unwanted products. How weak minded are you? And what is being programmed into your kids? This is may be what islam has in store for their future take over. Hopefully kids will figure it out when they grow up and renounce the satanic verse like: “Islam is the light!” Folks really need to start paying close attention to these subliminal messages! I am sure this isn’t a good change! This is dangerous stuff they are playing at here with YOUR CHILDREN!!! OUR FUTURE AMERICA!


The Griper said...

my only question be is why the toy company did it? that isn't even close to "mama"

dcat said...

I'm already looking into it! Who programed it and what are they trying to protect!?

It should at least have a warning lable on it!

Indigo Red said...

I doubt the company made the toy to say Islam is the light. More likely a Muslim employee in the recordin department did it. As I recall, these stoies have happened each Christmas the last several years.

I think the doll should say, Help! Mohammad raped me!

dcat said...

There is that great humor again! LOL :D :D :D

Thanks Indigo I needed that! LOLOLOLOLOLOL...

dcat said...

Hell is for children! In islam at any rate!

Mike H. said...

Yes the god of pain and torture and maiming loves to see his children properly punished. The madrassas do such an excellent job of teaching about the god of deceit and should be held up for the world to notice.

MAVERICK said...

hey..gud job..!!
who cud hav done it??? haha..ofcouse, a moslim..!

Joanne said...

If the doll didn't say 'Islam is the light' and said as dcat states 'Islam is the sh*ts', then every single doll would be pulled off the shelves, every doll sold would HAVE to be returned, and then Muslims would burn down toy stores across America. Muslims would rage against a doll and all who had a hand in her making and trafficking. Muslims really are so predictable, that they are really starting to bore me.

dcat said...

Me too Joanne.

Muslims are pretty pathetic!