Saturday, October 18, 2008

Handicapped Man KNEW WHO TO VOTE FOR!!!

Click here to view video! Then remember that Seattle is sending thugs ballots to vote. To vote for guess who!!! Oblabla! Their hero!

Guess what oblabla I already voted against you! You too ya old hag Gregouir! And I voted against all the taxes you want from my account to pay for your lefty coddling of lazy assholes that aren’t working or in jail!!!

Yeah I saw the tee shirts and we are making one for you too ali oblabla!



Indigo Red said...

This is the same as al-Qaida and the Taliban strapping exposives to the mentally retarded kids to be blown-up near soldiers and Americans.

Like AQ and Taliban, using the handicapped for voting fraud is totally disgusting behavior, but not unexpected from the current Democrat party.

dcat said...

Yes it is typical of the dems isn't it Indigo!