Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jackass Coward that Shot Conan in HIS HOUSE!

To this brave hunter I have this curse for you: Hey stupid! You have shit for brains and you need to exit this world for what you did! I want you to feel the pain of the greif stricken owners for the loss of their beloved pet, ‘Conan! I want you to reflect to the point of taking the plunge into hell! And you will!

What you did to this poor defenseless animal in his own yard over a 6 ft fence and in his own house! How dare you do this to God’s creature! YOU WILL PAY and Karma will find you and hunt you down not to mention my curse to YOU!

Click here for the News video!

Here is another link
SEATTLE - A Wallingford family's dog died this morning following emergency surgery after someone shot it with a razor-tipped hunting arrow. Now the Humane Society is offering a $2,500 reward for information leading to the conviction of the person who did it.The gruesome story unfolded after the family opened their back door on Wednesday.

Peace, be upon the owners of this beautiful pet.

Rest in Peace Conan!

As for the shithead with the bow and arrow:
May grief be a part of your everyday short life! For this hanis crime you need to suffer everyday while you are here and burn in hell for all eternity!

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