This has been a message from a very concerned neighbor! Thanks Nancy! :D
it’s all true you know the dhimmys really need to keep convincing themselves heaven forbid they would actually come to their senses!
Some out there even think that America isn’t the supper power. Well yes China has capitalism and socialism going for them. Maybe that is what Hilary wants to do to us? Oh lets have more government control starting with health care! Sarcasm off!
Ok the cost of the war vs Islam taking over our lives… hmmmm let me think! I HOPE THE HELL NOT!!!
What’s really on Bill Clinton’s mind?
You do get what you paid for and freedom is not cheap by any means! Neither is the brave men and women’s life fighting to up hold that freedom for all! Unfortunately that does mean freedom for the loons out there too!
Life is precious! And it is what you do with that life even when it comes to sacrificing for the good of all mankind! Let’s show our armed forces some respect! The respect should be given especially from the politicians along with other supporters against the war, that want to drag this nation down even more by subjecting to thugs!!!
“Oh well they aren’t stoning people here so lets not worry about it!” Why should we care or stick our noses in to their business…” We really do need a high dose of drug for these folks! A huge reality drug should be given to those that say stuff like this. Talk about a selfish lot! Those that say stuff like this really are!!! They show little regard for the future!
(Oh and they aren't going away quietly!)
If that kind of humanitarian way of thinking wins it will be a sad world to live in!
Update: The Mudville Gazette Thank you bg for bringing this to my attention!
There you go dhimmys of the new world order! From our brave men and women fighting for the USA and couldn’t even get a visit! Shame full completely and utterly shameful!!!