Monday, October 14, 2024

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Gotta Love Me Some JP!

 This is so true!   ENJOY!

Yeah, YOU BITCHES! A Blue Checkmark!

 I have freedom, once again!  I got back on X after what Twit and the commie Marxists flunkies did to me!  Thanks Elon!  


The little commie Marxists tried to silence many!  This is not 1940 Germany you little crap heads!  NOT HAPPENING WITHOUT A FIGHT!  SICK OF YOUR SHIT!

Anyway, I was posting, like I always do... then huh?  

Yet the little jerks posting hateful things about Trump BTW all untrue, aren't blocked at all on FACEBOOK!  

I would come on saying positive things that were happening when Trump was in office and BOOM Gone for a month.  Had enough of that crap!  Besides real friends and family have my email phone number...  You find out then, how much you matter to them.  Some are gone for good, only because they were toxic to my health!

People need to start seeing, what is being done to them, by the corrupted POS out there!  It's not going to be good if you let that organization back in!  Don't believe that news!  Look at the opposite they say!  Watch how they copy something that was said and how they redact, in a lie.  

Remember, what they did to the German people.  They had no clue what was going on till shown bodies of Jews and Poles.  They locked up anyone that spoke against them...  Sound familiar?  Freedom of speech be damed, even if you have the proof!  That is why you democrats and RINO's were never blocked!  Now watch how they start name calling all of us that know their plan!  

I'm sure when things start to happen you will say... Oh, they were right!  I believe in God and I pray, I know who to trust, I know I will be fine what ever happens.  BTW, they hate that too!  Satan has a short time on Earth.

Meanwhile I am doing memes... Thank you Grok...  Greatest President of all times, to that liar that can't even talk!  

Now for that movie you need to pay attention to... Enjoy!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Such Energy! TRUMP 2024!


President Trump in Aurora, CO

 Rumble ROCKS!  ENJOY!

Rumble Is The Best!

 I'm slowly going to get folks I really like, from Rumble.  Partly because many like with Fakebook, have dropped youtube.  Time to tell them all to take a hike!  Tired of the censoring and messing with video's not playing.  There is my proof when coming here.  You have to take the topic and do a search on youtube or click on watch at youtube.  Sometimes they won't give you that option.  Then you just have to go to the creator of the video.  Oh well then you can see their full library...If youtube didn't scrub it.

Here's today's "In The Litter Box"  Very good!  All the shows are!  


Eric Trump and Clay Clark Join Amanda Grace: Discussing the Nation and W...

Thursday, October 10, 2024

After The Storm.

 We had a thump in the night...  The gardenia and the rainbow tree hit the ground.  Yes I need to power wash...  Our door used to be on the painted square.  We had it changed.  They were so dumb, to put the door by the ladder, to the pool!  Not thinking I guess.  Both pots are now up right again.  I'm now thinking it will be time to be putting them in the ground in February too!

Another part of our damage was my giant milkweed.  I did cut it back.  Still part of it was damaged by the wind.  I need to get my little chainsaw out and cut that this afternoon.  

Do you think I can get that messily 750 from FEMA? 😂  I hear they are making people take it out as a lone?  How typical of the biden/kamala socialist commie Marxist regime!  I'm betting the illegals aren't having to do that!  They got a hell of a lot more!  Yet dumbass Americans out there are still voting for these mongrels!  Those that do just best stay the hell away from me!  Don't want nothing to do with you losers!  You're DUMB!

Our water gauge was filled to the brim!  Thank heavens the pool has an overflow.  We also have a drainage pond at the end of our property.  The forested area did fine.

Still praying for the ones down south.  St. Pete got slammed, so did many other places.  I'm sure they don't want to hear how we did our homework before moving here.  Wind can still find you no matter where you live.  Even tornadoes kill.  I read that there were 19 touchdowns of tornadoes here in Florida.  But they exist in many places.  I know I grew up in Indiana.  That wasn't all that wonderful either.  Then, when taking owl pictures in Washington state.  I got to be stuck in Mt. St. Helens blowing up!   May 18, 1980!  Glad we weren't climbing that day!  It was a consideration.  

I also was in a 4.0 earthquake.  That is worse!  However so is everything else when in a disaster.  It's always the worse!

We have our doors open now and thinking of taking a dip in the pool!

After cutting up that milkweed branch that fell!  If it wasn't for all the tropical stuff planted.  Those pine trees remind me of Eastern Washington!  Without the mountains of course!  Ice cream bananas will be going in the ground in February!

We weathered one storm the next will be to get our country BACK!  The Republic and our democracy is on the line!  
TRUMP 2024!

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

LIVE: President Trump in Scranton, PA

As The Hurricane Comes...

 It's always peaceful before the storm.  I love these kind of days!  My banana trees were trimmed up this last week.  I'm planning on sticking them in the ground in February, when I know the frost season is over.  We do get cold weather, for a few days.  One day I had a half inch slab of ice, in the bird bath!  It only lasted till noon though.  I guess that is why the plumeria is still doing well and the bird of paradise, here in zone 9.  

All the weeds are now gone in front of the lanai.  We won't have to put water in the pool for a while.  Salt was just added a week ago.  The fountains are scheduled to turn on soon, for a few hours.  I'm sitting in the lounge area, enjoying a blueberry roll I baked.  Smooth jazz in the background.  AHHHHH!  Thank you God, even though the winds are picking up.  I don't have any control.  I can only pray.

The fountains kicked on now....

We are at 116ft in elevation.

First Lady Melania Trump Joins The Five