Sunday, October 27, 2024

I Won't Forget!

 The satanic swamp cabal, needs to pay for what they did to America and its people!  I can't understand, for the life of me, more people didn't see the injustice from them?  If shit had a D on it, that made it votable to win, I guess!  We had a right to protest the election in 2020!

TRUMP IS GOING TO WIN!  Any anger, or lashing out with violence will be from the these people voting for Kamala.  They love to create chaos!  Look what they did to the J-6 people and invited undercover enforcement to lure people.  I know what took place and the news twisted everything!  

Kamala, let in dangerous people into our country!  She is responsible, for the death of Americans, affected by her ill judgement!  Wouldn't even call the family, or say their names!  President Donald J. Trump acknowledged them though.  He knew all their names!  It's what a leader, of a great nation is supposed to do!   

I won't forget the burning of cities during COVID!  ANTIFA were the feds and BLM was to incite devision! They think Americans are stupid!  We lived only 20 miles away, from the city of Seattle.  I heard, what businesses went through!  I happen to know a lady that moved her store to Bellevue, "The East side of lake Washington."  The area still has conservatives there but for how long?  They have that loser Jay Inslee, that can't think on his own!  I quote what he stated: "I'll do what California and Oregon are doing." 😳

Oh and then Tim Walz had his goons shooting paint balls, in his state,  at residents in a neighborhood!  No one was to be even outside, on their property!  Yet, they were allowed to get their hair done, have lavish parties and the whole nine yards!  I knew COVID was going to be used, in their stupid little plan of control!  THEY ARE FAILING! 

Kamala is married to an abuser of women, that slapped his last fling in the face so hard, it made her spin!  Just for looking at another guy?  Kamala is a weak pathetic loser!  Makes me wonder, what he does to her?  It's definitely their problem!  I don't care or feel sorry at this point!  I always felt, that the left were always dysfunctional!

The accusations, that came out of their mouths, of accusing President Trump just for saying things?  Come on!  Never mind about Bill in the Oval office, or going to Epstein Island...  Epstein had something on all of them.  That is why he is dead.  The feds went in and cleaned up all that evidence.  At the island too!  Trump never went and the list will be out!  How about Ditty?  OH WOW, he is still alive!  Amazing!

What they accuse conservatives of doing, you bet your ass, they are the ones doing it!  Don't forget what Kamala did to Kavanaigh!  There is no joy in this group!  Full of hate and it is showing the American people.  For some it will be too late!

This is all over X, and now on my blog too!  Remind them!  They think we forgot, or don't have the evidence, on their lies and smears! 

Kamala so smug and mean!  Thank you Sheri, for this reminder!  LINK!


This Weekend In My Life

 Got to get a hold on, all the weeds in our yard!  Well, at least around the house anyway!  We are on a HUGE property now!  Wildlife is wonderful to spot!  It's fall in Florida, I'm still sweating!  Thank heavens for the pool!  It's also very therapeutic, after yard work!  

When we first moved here, we got a beautiful green bird of paradise plant.  It was maybe a foot tall.  I think it was ment to be a house plant.  I don't like having dirt in the house.  I have a fear of mold, that might come from the soil, that would trigger my asthma.  We have high ceilings for it, however this would be like a tree, growing in the house!  I planted it outdoors, close by my plumeria tree.  I think our yard is starting to look like a jungle!  Welcome to my jungle!

As you can see the leaves are very big!  I guess I found the perfect spot for it.  My neighbor said, if something doesn't grow well for her, she dumps it in the forest.  Then it lives.  I believe that is because of the natural nutrition, that comes from the forest ground cover.   

Naturally, now I make my own fertilizer from weeds.  I got a large home depot bucket, minus the liberal tears, "joke" and a lid.  I fill it full, packed in with weeds.  Then I fill the bucket with water to the top. Then I, slap on the lid.  Six months later, it will be ready to use!  If you use this, it's very potent.  You will have to dilute it, when you use it.  I use a cup to a gallon of water, in a watering can.  Works fantastically!  As you can see!  Can you spot the flower?  It's blue and white.

Two years, for this to give me a flower!  A little over two years.  We came in September of 2021.  I received this beautiful plant, May of 2022!  We really have some wonderful folks around us!  

I have more to share.  This plant, I got at a local nursery.  Its name is Allamanda.  There is yellow and pink, mine is a pink.  I see I have a seed pouch to grow more!  I was hoping for that!  Now I have to let it mature before I take it.  Here is what it looks like.

Here is the large flower that it produces.  

This too, is a very large scrub.  It grows like a scrub and I do cut it back.  The branches seem to grow new branches.  It's amazing!  

We certainly are loving it here!  I'm at a resort with spacious grounds!  We both never thought we would ever have, what we have!  

Thank you God!  We pray for peace and that more people are reached, before it's too late.  This sure has been a test, but unfortunately some are still blind.  You can't call it joy, when there is so much hate!  

God is Lord!  Someone shouted!  "She said, oh you are at the wrong rally, the one you want is down the street!  The smaller one?"  Satan's mouth spoke loud and clear at that rally!  Knocking God?  Oh oh.... Just saying!

We already voted in person!  I missed that, when living in Washington State!  I think mail ins need to be banned and it should be one day only, with paper ballots!  We find out the results that night!  Thats how it's done here in Florida!  We find out our states election that night on voting day!  This early stuff is something new, because the other party does it.  Here we go!

We got to vote against the late term abortion, and against pot!  I was always against murder of children and also against drugs!  It cheapens society, just look at what it did to the streets of California!  We need God more than ever!  The family unit is falling apart, without his law!  

A strong woman is one with a happy family and a man willing to provide!  Back in the early days, it wasn't easy then, for nobody either!  Both worked hard!  These days, both have to work and it's a team effort!  

I guess, if you don't like men and men don't like women, there will always be robots.  How cold and sick will that be?  Machines will then, inherit the Earth!  All because of, weak men and weak women!

Friday, October 25, 2024

Shame On Kamala Harris!

 Calling President Donald J. Trump a Nazi?  Well someone that lived it has something to say about that!  

BTW this man might just be a relative of mine.  I still have first cousins in Krakow Poland!  There is a Jewish cemetery there.  I have Ashkenazi Jewish blood running through my veins!  

See for yourself!  LINK

President Donald J. Trump With Victim Families In Austin Texas

 Yes, President Donald J. Trump, contacted the family members, of victims that were killed by the illegal aliens!  

Then we hear that Virginal is allowing illegal aliens to vote? HOW DARE THEY!  Because they are losing and they want to destroy this country!  "0bama" is in on this too!  They must be stopped, for going against our laws in this country!   How sick of them to try this!  Illegals voting?  We are losing our country!  

President Donald J. Trump did a good job in 2016, he will again in 2024!

You need to listen to the mother, that lost her child to the illegal alien gang, that was let in by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden!

President Donald J. Trump & Joe Rogan.

 I'm watching Joe Rogan for the first time today only because, President Donald J. Trump, is on the show!  It should be good!

Meanwhile I saw this on X this morning...

Also I thought this was beautiful!  There are some great memes out there but this is a video done so wonderful, that I have to share!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

We Voted! TRUMP 2024!

 Come on FLORIDA!  LET'S GO!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Honestly, Listeria Now? McDonalds Only? BS!

 My how they cry!  Meanwhile Kamala Harris has to take a day off?  From what?  She isn't doing half the stuff Trump is!  She doesn't even do her own tweets! 

Do y'all understand now, that Kamala and that party of "joy, mixed in with lots of hate," is incompetent to be leading, or running this country?  They were the ones exhausted!  I see they are blowing their little minds out of their heads, over President Donald J. Trump serving happy meals!  

Poor little AOC comes on with the pitiful thing of, President Trump making fun of the working people?  Ah, you dumb bitch!  He is for the working people, whereas you clowns, want to steal from tax paying Americans, to pad your corrupt pockets!  

We know that AOC came from her own elitist family just like Kamala Harris has!  They were above the middle class family!  I saw the neighborhood!  Should we talk about 0bama's mansions now too or Bernie!  Look at the rich in your own party you asshats!  

Bad mouthing an amazing person like Elon Musk now?  Because he did well and sees the light?  He endorsed President Donald J. Trump!  Now you're pee green jealous now!   I guess Kamala Harris and AOC, they don't believe in the American dream either...  Elon is a brilliant man!  He should be making billions!  No Kamala and AOC, we aren't the same!  That would be socialism, you dummy!  BTW, most of us American people know what you are trying to do.  Can't fool the smart Americans!  Bringing out your good buddy 0bama isn't going to help either!  We know what he has been up to behind the scenes!  

I have had enough of these fools!  They seem to be attacking meat plants and trying to shut them down now?  We better find out who's the ones behind that!  Putting poison in the food, to carry out their plan again, this time!  These people are evil!  COVID, was another one of their dumb ass attempts!  BTW, people are dying and these Satanic assholes are making it happen!  

We need President Donald J. Trump more than ever now!  Hubby and I are going out to vote for him tomorrow!  Voting against Abortion and against pot!  Then we will go to a local family owned establishment, for dinner.

Tonight though I had a nice chat after the show, "In The Litter Box."  In our special after the show chat.  I told them all, I was making a beef roast.  I thought I would share the outcome of that.  As the meat rested I made a merlo mushroom gravy.  I chopped up a shallot and some herbs.  Sage, thyme, and some parsley, with a clove of garlic.  I had it in the fridge all salted on a grill over night.  I used clarified butter to sear all the sides, before sticking it in a 450 deg. oven.  Turning every 3 min. till it reached 130F medium rare.  120 if you like it rare.  As the meat rested, I made the sauce in the pan with the juices.  I must say, it came out yummy with asparagus and little potatoes.  

Meat it's what's for dinner!  Not bugs! 

Enough for 3 more meals!

Sunday, October 20, 2024

After Working At Mc D's He Has Another Engagement!

 He doesn't look tired to me...  Maybe Elon is...  Thank you Elon!

The video on the lies from Kamala was played!  The recipes are there! 

Most of all Thank You to our President Donald J. Trump!

President Trump Worked At McDonalds!

 Here you are here is the  "LINK"

I'm not on TICTOK But President Trump is...


It's True, What President Trump Said!

 Look at all the conservatives, that were blocked and banned for saying anything with evidence!  I know, because I was one of them!  Also who blocks a President?  They blocked, President Donald J. Trump a week after I got blocked, on Twitter!  Thanks to Elon, we are both back on X!  I am even verified now!

If they, "commie fact checkers" didn't like what you said, they would ban you!  Even if it was true! This is the USA you do NOT block people, for free speech!  You do your research, to find if it's true or not!  I did, especially on COVID!  Nothing they did convinced me!  Even when told by the President Donald J. Trump to get the jab.   

I have a mind of my own remedy and even got block, for sharing that!  I don't care who you are! BTW, he was told by the asshats to say that the shots were safe!  Dr. I call FUCKY and madam scarf BITCH!  I din't trust them!  I realized what they were doing!  

Free speech it's the first Amendment!  They are and were at the time doing a Marxist act, to be blocking people from speaking!  Holding a rally "peacefully" unlike what ANTIFA did to cities!  I was living just 20 miles from Seattle at the time!  What was done there was CRIMINAL!  

Then he didn't say it here, but hired ANTIFA "FBI-CIA" started leading the people on January 6th!  Mobs of people will follow when lead!  

Like Trump said we do have the video's and they didn't want to show that on their fake news stations!  Because then they couldn't do what they wanted to with, convincing the people!    That to me is a fact to me now, that we are dealing with, enemies within our country!

President Donald J. Trump did a fantastic job in this interview!  Do enjoy!  

FULL: President Trump's Interview with MediaBuzz

Another Beautiful Day In North Florida!

 Getting ready for the fall season inside the home and veranda!  Temps back up into the 80's!  It will be nice swimming anyway, because the salt water pool is heated to 80.  There is only about one month we don't use it here and that is January.

There was this cute little garden property in Bellevue, owned by a family.  They passed and gave it to the city.  Every year they have it decorated for Christmas.  I learned how to bunch lights to make them look like flowers.  Good idea when you have a timed battery set of lights that are too much for a little tree, or an area.

We thought of putting in a fireplace.  Had two in Kirkland.  Real wood burning.  It was work.  I have two areas for wood burning outdoors.  That's good enough for us.  The candles are just a nice little ambiance, for Halloween as well asThanksgiving.  I need to weave a strand of leaves through that.  I think I'll just get garland for that.  

I always have something going....  I'm not a prisoner of my own device.  That's just how I roll.  Never was a part of a group, always working always doing something fun.  Oh I pop on line but only to ruffle feathers, then I leave.  We have a huge property now, it would be ashamed if we didn't get out and enjoy it!  Takes work but so much to enjoy doing!  Can't post pictures here!  I don't need headless bunnies thrown on our property....  

This is what those maniacs on the stupid side of the isle do to people that don't agree with them.  Called socialist, commie, Marxists!  They will also call 9-11 on you with horrible episodes, so that you are swatted and hopefully killed!  Luckily the police are on to these fools and check first.  When your community knows you, then you have back up.  I can't wait for the next party!  

Well, I hear our energetic President Donald J. Trump will be working at the fries station....  Something that Kamala lied about doing... Ah but then they will come back with "he's pandering!"  Prove me wrong!

President Donald J. Trump has more stamina than most young people!  Doing rallies back to back on some days....  How many did Kamala have?  Not many and her people are bused in.  You ask these people why they are voting for Kamala?  They have nothing to report!  I'm telling you if there was a pile of shit on the sidewalk with a D they would vote for it.  Oh and don't give me any BS about the R...  Most of them are right there with the D's and President Donald Trump knows because he was a democrat!  Reagan was a two bit actor yet I voted 2 x's for him too.  

This will be my 3rd time voting for President Donald J. Trump!  No matter what they say or do to him, he gets even more people behind him!  They need to keep up their evil hate, calling it joy... Because more are just waking up to the truth!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

President Donald J. Trump Is Far From Exhausted!

Kamala, is a liar and losing!  She can't stand, that he has more energy than she does!  She failed at her chance, long ago!  She refused interviews and she didn't do the work of campaigning!  President Donald J. Trump has!  Now she cry's about it!  What a weak and pathetic loser!  I see what she is!

Another HUGE crowd, for President Donald J. Trump!  


Here liar Kamala, have some fries!

Friday, October 18, 2024

Maybe If Dummies Would Watch And Listen...

Or sabotage his speech... 

They wouldn't be so full of BS, from the fake news they listen to, and not be so full of hate!  


I Did My Job For Today!

 They don't block you but they try to intimidate you.  I assure you that flunkies still are working at X.

I'm so tired, of everyone's bullshit!  Mine is no different!  The whore has blood on her hands!  She was VP with the dummy in chief now for 4 years and look what mess they created!  They also are the ones that started the COVID crap!  Not to mention the chaos on January 6th!  Oh and AOC is another lying bitch!  She wasn't there!  Yet they get to show false news to the people?  FUCK THAT!  

This is war, right here in the USA!  They can't stand we have a voice now!  The recipes are there and sorry Hillary, you won't be able to scrub that away!

They have no power over me!   Like I always have said, I don't care who you are!  You will know how I feel about you, one way or another!  I do screenshots and post at every #Scamala posts now.  You really don't want to mess with me!  I won't let you!  😎

I did a Grok photo of her, seeing my post!  😂😂😂

Last night was wonderful!  Huh!  Kamala was disrespectful once again, well that is just her and how things like her are!


Now to gardening.....  Look what was delivered to me today!  30 yards!