Thursday, May 04, 2006

Moussaoui with Private Quarters Now!

My ‘my, aren’t we posh! We have privet quarters now for the low life, because they are afraid for his meaningless life! Oh poor little shit bag won't be a martyr now and won’t get any virgins. Maybe we can also supply him with a bible to make his stay a more miserable one! I hope there are no windows either!

I hope that the guards will have some fun with him! It’s not like his word will be over the guard’s word and the media isn’t aloud!

Hey Mr dcat and I met a gal and her husband when we were in Jamaica last fall. The gal was a prison guard! She was the life of the party and a republican! I wouldn’t mess with her if I was a criminal! Hell I wouldn't mess with me either for that matter. She was good looking and tough to cross! Funny how you meet up with people that have the same interest!

Be afraid Moussaoui, be very afraid!

Oh and I bet the dip shit media just had to see what I had to say! They threw in this little tidbit on the way to work this AM that “Candy ass little France’ fu, fu wants to have him housed at their place!” I say like hell! They have the most of those thugs living there and it isn’t like he would stay in jail now would he! It wasn’t like they came to our rescue when we were attacked either! DUH!!! Not on your life France'! We don’t need your assistance now!

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